Create a Rockhopper's certificate compatible with a Windows 7/8/10 VPN client by TinyCA.

Current development status of TinyCA is unknown. XCA is recommended instead.

A Windows 7/8/10 VPN(IKEv2) client requires and evaluates some additional properties in a received remote peer's certificate(X.509).

When you connect a Windows 7/8/10 client with Rockhopper, you need to create a Rockhopper's certificate fulfilling the requirements. This page shows an easy way by using Tiny CA on Ubuntu.

Rockhopper doesn't evaluate these additional properties when connecting itself with a Windows 7/8/10 client. Therefore, you can normally create a Windows 7/8/10 client certificate without the properties if you also choose RSA-Signature (certificate) for it (This means both nodes use RSA-Signature (certificate) as an authentication method). To create a CA certificate and/or a normal certificate by Tiny CA, please read "Documents/Tips: Managing certificates by Tiny CA."

This web site provides detailed information related to the topic. When you manage certificates for Windows 7/8/10 VPN(IKEv2) clients by OpenSSL tools, this site is also very helpful to you.
Also, this technical information by Microsoft is useful.


- Create a new certificate for Rockhopper(

  1. Edit a TestCA's openssl.conf file to meet the Windows 7/8/10 client's requirements.

  2. # cd ~/.TinyCA/TestCA/
    # ls
    cacert.key certs index.txt newcerts serial
    cacert.pem crl keys openssl.cnf req

    # cp openssl.cnf
    # gedit openssl.cnf &

  3. Modify the subjectAltName line and add the extendedKeyUsage line in the [server_cert] clause of the TestCA's openssl.cnf like this:

  4. [ server_cert ]
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    nsCertType = server
    nsComment = "TinyCA Generated Certificate"
    subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always
    issuerAltName = issuer:copy
    subjectAltName =
    extendedKeyUsage =, serverAuth
    Please see man 5 x509v3_config for more details about openssl.cnf.

    If you don't want to modify the subjectAltName line, you need to specify the gateway's FQDN as CN (CommonName) of this certificate's Subject DN like this:

    C=JP, ST=Tokyo, L=Minatoku, O=example, OU=netmng,

    You can enter this on Create a New Certificate Request dialog later.

  5. Create a new certificate and a private key for

  6. Select Create Key and Certificate (Server).

    Click an image to zoom in.





  7. Export the gateway1's certificate and private key and the CA's certificate to a PKCS#12 file.

  8. - File name:
    - Export password: himitsu

    Click an image to zoom in.



  9. Restore the original openssl.cnf file.
  10. # cd ~/.TinyCA/TestCA/
    # rm openssl.cnf
    # mv openssl.cnf

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