Create a configuration's backup and restore it.

- Save a configuration's backup.

You can create and save a configuration's backup file on the Management tab of Web console. This file includes all settings, keys and certificates.

- Management[Tab] > Config Backup[Tab] > Save Configuration's Archive

  1. Enter a password to encrypt the archive file into Archive's Password.

  2. Click Save button.

  3. Click a shown link and save the file (rockhopper.rcfg) on Web browser.

This encrypted archive file can be extracted by (or rockhopper) tool like this:

(- 0.2.b1-018-x)
# cfg-archive extract -archive_password secret -file ./rockhopper.rcfg
(0.2.b1-019 -)
# rockhopper cfg-archive extract -archive_password secret -file ./rockhopper.rcfg
Please replace secret with your password.

A directory cfg-archive is created in the current directory. All extracted files are placed in it.

- Restore a configuration from a saved backup file.

You can restore a configuration from a saved backup file on the Management tab of Web console. After uploading the archive file, you need to reboot system or restart Rockhopper to actually apply the configuration.

- Management[Tab] > Config Backup[Tab] > Upload and Restore Configuration

  1. Specify a configuration's archive file (by default, rockhopper.rcfg).

  2. Enter a password to decrypt the archive file into Archive's Password.

  3. Click Upload button.

  4. Restart Rockhopper like this (Ubuntu):

    # sudo /etc/init.d/rockhopper restart
    # sudo systemctl restart rockhopper

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